3D Laser Scanning
Our 3D Laser Scanning is the state of the art method that we utilize to give us, as well as you a visual representation of the job to come. Ensuring that all our work is methodically planned, down to the finest details.
Accuracy Tolerances
Proving up tolerances before shipment can save our clients on site re-work costs. Scans are then evaluated, compiled and presented to both the client and vendor to ensure any dimensional discrepancies are corrected prior to shipment.
Interconnected Models
Our ability to preform test fitting of interconnected models using CAD will eliminate guesswork at site. 3D laser scan overlayed with the model can be used to check tolerances on site and to check vendor accuracy along with how the spools will line up with the rack.
Scanning Reports
Vendor laser scan reports can be produced at their shop before they are shipped to site. Measurements can be taken from the laser scan and checked against the engineered drawings. By confirming any issues before the vendor packages are shipped, we are able to identify and fix problems before these packages are shipped. This process is particularly useful when multiple vendors are constructing modules in different locations or for brownfield work where determining actual as-built spool locations are critical to tie in with minimal outage durations where plant downtime is a major cost factor.
Total Station
Radium also has multiple employees trained on the use of Total Station. This tool allows quick, accurate measurements for distance, vertical, horizontal angles, slope distances and more. The Total Station can often replace the need for calling in a subcontract survey team, or performing tedious error prone manual measurements. With Radium self performing these tasks in house we are able to minimize down time and improve the accuracy and speed of our work. We routinely verify laser scan data with the use of the tool to ensure accuracy improving the quality and fit of the work for our valued clients.